
Letter from the President - August 2020

Another month of summer has flown by and soon the kids will be (hopefully) headed back to school soon! I have a high school junior, and of course things went spinning out of control during the last half of the school year with the Covid pandemic. Teachers across the country learned very quickly the process of implementing online learning so students could continue their education. I have to say our own school district did a fantastic job in dealing with the sudden changes. So much so that my son has decided he does not want to go back! I am not sure that is how it was supposed to work.

Implementing any new software or process can be a challenge. The key to implementation (I believe) is strategy and planning for the unexpected. An unsuccessful implementation process can turn users into angry beings and cost your company time and money. Do not worry! Our authors have written a variety of articles to guide you through different implementation processes. What better way to learn than from someone who has “been there, done that”?

Autodesk University has announced that not only will this year’s event be conducted virtually, but it is also free to attend! This is a great way to experience the keynotes from Autodesk executives and class sessions from some phenomenal colleagues, without the long walk through a smoky Las Vegas casino, dry chapped lips, and sensory overload. Be sure to share the virtual event with your employers and coworkers so they can also see the value in attending AU!

In light of the changes in AU, where we typically host our Annual General Meeting, we are currently exploring options for a virtual AGM. Please keep an eye on our social media channels as well as our email communication for further information as we continue to work out the details.

I also wanted to give a shout out to my predecessor, Kate (Morrical) Towne, who became a mom for the first time in June! Congratulations, Kate!

Wherever you are, my hope is that you continue to stay safe, stay well, and keep looking up!

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