
Letter from the President - August 2022

Welcome to the August edition of AUGIWORLD!

This month our topic is “Management” and the world of CAD/BIM Management. I have spent a good portion of my career, not only training people how to use CAD, but also providing companies/organizations with consulting CAD management services.

Having said that, you now know this is a topic I am very passionate about. One of my favorite things is to learn how other CAD/BIM management specialists have handled the same tasks and issues. I truly believe that none of us are an island and to provide the best service we need to constantly learn about new technology, new processes, and new ways of doing things (or just new to us!).

Approximately 29 years ago I was working for a natural gas pipeline company. We were in the process of switching from an old mainframe CAD system (CADAM) to AutoCAD. I was sitting in a meeting where the entire team was discussing the CAD standards that we were using. Primarily this discussion was centered around what color our layers would be (color 5 blue anyone?). This discussion quickly became very heated, as you all can imagine.

Several years ago, I realized something about that meeting and that company, we had no CAD manager…lol. But I do think it sparked a desire in me to help drive consistency in CAD drawings.

If you are a CAD or BIM manager (officially or not), I encourage you to constantly look outside yourself at what others are doing. You might find some inspiration on better ways to do things. This month’s edition of AUGIWORLD is a great place to start, as well as looking at the past issues of AUGIWORLD from our website. The Autodesk University archives are another resource that I strongly recommend.

I’ll leave you with the following quote that made me smile.

“People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything.” ―  Thomas Sowell



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