
Letter from the President - October 2019

October is here! Can you smell the pumpkin spice everywhere? Fall brings about so many changes. Tree leaves display an array of color that could set the background for a Thomas Kinkade painting. The chill in the air makes us bring out sweaters and jackets, and we know that winter is just around the corner. For those of you in warmer climates, I am sorry you don’t get to experience fall the way we do in the Northeast USA, although many of us here spend our cooler months wishing to be on a warm beach!

This year has been a year of many changes for AUGI, and this month is no different. So far, we have gone through a complete restructuring of our organization, and by the end of year will become reincorporated as “AUGI, Inc”. Reincorporating has prompted the Board of Directors to review our bylaws, which were last revised in 2016. With this revision, the Board has decided to change the terms of the Directors. Similar to many organizations, Directors now elected to the board will remain on the board until they choose to step down, or are removed per the bylaws. Previously, Directors were elected to staggered three-year terms. The Board feels that this will provide stability to the organization rather than having a continuous revolving door of Directors. The executive officers (President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer) terms will remain as previously stated in the bylaws. Once adopted, the revised bylaws will be available on on the “About” page. We will discuss more about this at the AUGI Annual General Meeting at Autodesk University (AU) 2019 next month.

Speaking of AU, can you say “more changes”? For the first time, AUGI will not have a formal booth in the exhibition hall (*gasp*!). Instead we are taking part in the new AU Community Hub, alongside other Autodesk Community groups. Obviously, we will have many opportunities to network with volunteers, partners, and attendees throughout the week, so please stop by and say hello! Also, we will be holding the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday afternoon before the evening social. Please check the AU2019 schedule for the time and place, and add the AGM event to your agenda. (Hint: we will be handing out our famous beer glasses during the meeting, so you will want to be in attendance!)

This month’s issue of AUGIWORLD focuses on Customization. Our authors have come up with some fascinating ways to customize software, content, and processes. I am sure you will find something that can help your daily workflow!

We sincerely hope that the changes the Board has made will be for the betterment of the organization as a whole and better prepare the organization as it goes forward into 2020 and beyond. Each of our Board members has a unique enthusiasm for the organization and our membership. We still have a long way to go, and we welcome your feedback. We look forward to meeting with those who are able to attend AU2019 in person, but we are always available by email as well. Please feel free to reach out to any of us!

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