
AUGIWORLD October 2023 Issue

AUGIWORLD October 2023 Issue


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Customizing Your Workflow

Customization is key for comfort and confidence in your workflow, as well as getting the most out of your programs and software.

Here at AUGIWORLD, we’re here to make sure you have unique insights and wisdom like no other! Read this month’s issue at AUGIWORLD, take some helpful notes and enjoy!
In the October 2023 issue:

  • 6 Ways Business Leaders Can Leverage an AI Image Generator — Jason Toy explores six ways that using artificial intelligence photo generators help businesses reach new heights!
  • Color Schemes: Not Just For Architects — Jason Peckovitch discusses how you can use Color Schemes to help with our everyday MEP designs!
  • Customizing Your Plans for Future Successes: Keep it Real! — Mark Behrens mentions that having a dynamic and open mindset will allow your resources, as they change and mature overtime, to keep your business moving forward and grow as the industry expands, even with the volatile environment we are currently in!
  • Mechanisms & Mentorship: CAD Video Game Accessory — Rafael Testai interviews Industrial Designer Craig Ovans from in Arizona. Rafael focuses on the industrial design involved in the gaming accessory connected to the controller.
  • Online CAD in DWG: ARES Kudo is Connecting Projects and People to Work Anywhere and More Efficiently — Cyrena Respini-Irwin dives in and asks what the cloud is really improving? Cyrena introduces how ARES Kudo provides the tools to create and modify DWG drawings and solve the collaboration problems that come along with every project.
  • I am Tired of This — Mark Kiker introduces his next secret that Tech Managers keep, which is that they are tired of putting up with some things. Mark takes a look at the things that are making him and all other Tech Managers tired and what can be done about it.
  • Reflections on a Decade of Training and Education in AECO — William Meyers provides an overview reflecting on what’s changed and what has stayed constant since his first article here on AUGIWORLD!
  • BricsCAD Customizations — Craig Swearingen expresses that customizing is personalizing it, making it yours, allowing you to feel comfortable, implying that the same theory can be applied to your BricsCAD environment.
  • Free Samples: The Halloween Edition — Paul Li first discusses why Autodesk may have included the free LISP file, then he demonstrates the additional function the LISP file adds to AutoCAD. Finally, Paul concludes with what came of the free sample function as AutoCAD continued development with newer releases.
  • Inside Track — Shaun Bryant brings us more opportunities to advance our skills, processes, and workflows in our firms using the most current AEC related software and hardware updates that are available.
