posted by Amanda Ishak April 5th, 2012
The new HP Z1 Workstation sets a new standard for workstation design and performance – and delivers the power you need to bring your ideas to life.
posted by Amanda Ishak April 5th, 2012
posted by David Harrington April 5th, 2012
In a poll posted on the March 2012 AUGI homepage, Melanie asked members whether or not they were currently looking at jobs. It is nice to see that 49% of members are satisfactorily employed. However, it does make one wonder about the remainder.
posted by Melanie Stone April 5th, 2012
AUGI attended the Autodesk Media Summit 2012 where we heard much about the new software that was coming. Come with us as we explore the roll-out of the next generation of CAD and BIM tools.
posted by Mark Kiker April 5th, 2012
Self-Motivation is the first step in leading a team. In this issue, Mark Kiker follows up on his March article with six great tips for increasing your output and your time.
posted by Mark Kiker April 5th, 2012
Author Glenn Jowett investigates additional information that can be added to schedules in Revit Structure to further add value to your documents.
posted by Marilyn Law April 4th, 2012
Once you get past the initial challenge of learning the plumbing functions in Revit MEP, you're on the road to productivity. This article tackles annotation and engineering.
posted by Marilyn Law April 2nd, 2012
Animator, part of Autodesk Navisworks, helps bring your imagination to life. Follow Michael Smith's how-to.
posted by Michael Smith March 29th, 2012
Have you been avoiding customization with Revit 2012 due to the change in how ini files are created? If so, have no fear—this article will help you out.
posted by Marilyn Law March 28th, 2012
Autodesk Inventor users can take advantage of a plug-in that highlights potential design problems directly on the CAD model and provides immediate feedback on design manufacturability, cost efficiency, and the environmental impact of the plastic material.
posted by Marilyn Law March 24th, 2012
posted by Marilyn Law March 22nd, 2012
AutoCAD users, know your options! Author Louisa Holland shares some of her favorite System Variables.
posted by Marilyn Law March 20th, 2012
Meet Paul Sullivan, Senior PR Manager, Architecture, Engineering, and Construction at Autodesk.
posted by Marilyn Law March 15th, 2012
The BUILT industry needs to leverage Wicked Tools in Tech, Business Processes, and Legal. James Salmon elaborates.
posted by Marilyn Law March 13th, 2012
Change will come to manufacturing automation. The question is, what will change look like?
posted by Marilyn Law March 9th, 2012
posted by Marilyn Law March 8th, 2012
With HP Performance Series monitors, designers get true color representative and enhanced clarity.
posted by Marilyn Law March 8th, 2012
It's a fact of life for CAD Managers - they need to motivate their team members. Here, Mark Kiker offers some tried-and-true tips.
posted by Marilyn Law March 8th, 2012
You'll find plenty of uses for Autodesk apps for iOS, Android, and other mobile devices. Here are a few ideas.
posted by Marilyn Law March 8th, 2012