
AUGI members worldwide write articles, papers, tutorials all the time. Here we host that material on our site in a manner that allows readers to find what they are interested in. We have sections in a number of areas, some related to products and others management and organizational issues.

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Page 2 of 3 pages
Marilyn Law
Marilyn Law
Brad Hofman
Shaun Farrell
Melanie Stone
(SMART)x Game Changers
James Salmon
Who Owns the BIM?
Martijn de Riet
How to Structure a BIM Team
William Campbell
Amanda Ishak
The Process of BIM from Design to Construction
Amanda Ishak
James Salmon
A Picture is Worth 1000 Uses
Jennifer Lanzetti
BIM is a Tool
Amanda Ishak
AUGI Home Page Poll: First Version of Revit
Melanie Stone
BUILT: Wicked Solutions
James Salmon
The Domino Effect
Marilyn Law
James Salmon
William Campbell
So You Want to Implement Revit?
Marilyn Law
Velina Mirincheva
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