Paul Li introduces the lisp command, explains what it does and discusses what came of it as AutoCAD continues to develop after another 12 releases of the current version.
Mark Kiker teaches the ways of project “housekeeping”, project archiving, and cleaning out the clutter safely and efficiently.
Mark Behrens explains how without a plan that encompasses both challenges together, the best efforts and intentions will ultimately fail. Getting buy-in from management is usually challenging enough. Minimizing the chance of failure is in your best interest early in the process!
Mark Kiker continues his running series, Secrets that Tech Managers Keep, teaching project managers about the road for success, support, and improvements along the way. This month is about decision fatigue and the toll it can take on a Tech Manager over time, including defining the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
Kristina Youngblut explores how collaboration on design projects in real-time used to be a thing of the past. She shares how with the advancement in software, up-to-date cloud sharing, and cutting-edge communication tools, today’s design landscape thrives on the ability to integrate cross-disciplinary efforts seamlessly, and why this allows professionals from various fields to contribute their unique expertise, which enhances the overall project outcome.
Mark Kiker continues his running series, Secrets that Tech Managers Keep, teaching project managers about the road for success, support, and improvements along the way. This month is about the ones that put you or your firm at risk!
Mark Kiker continues his running series, Secrets that Tech Managers Keep, teaching project managers about the road for success, support, and improvements along the way. This month is about things you don’t typically share about or with your boss.
Adam Black jumps into how customization is the very first step in the Implementation process because it is well overdue and overtime to get this all right.
Kristina Youngblut shares her experience in the midst of a project, and how through written articles, a speaker for podcasts and webinars, and participating in forums and online sources, she found her voice, her community, and her peers.
Mark Kiker continues his running series of articles called Secrets that Tech Managers Keep, teaching project managers about the road for success, support, and improvements along the way.
Adam Black tells his story from 43 years of experience seeing far more bad teaching, systems, and processes than good, while keeping the saying of keeping the blind from leading the blind.
Mark Kiker introduces his next secret that Tech Managers keep, which is that they are tired of putting up with some things. Mark takes a look at the things that are making him and all other Tech Managers tired and what can be done about it.
Paul Li first discusses why Autodesk may have included the free LISP file, then he demonstrates the additional function the LISP file adds to AutoCAD. Finally, Paul concludes with what came of the free sample function as AutoCAD continued development with newer releases.
Mark Behrens mentions that having a dynamic and open mindset will allow your resources, as they change and mature overtime, to keep your business moving forward and grow as the industry expands, even with the volatile environment we are currently in!
Mark Kiker decided to start his own series with this month’s topic, focusing on blending together the Secrets and the Salary Survey!
Mark Kiker teaches the ways of becoming the best Tech Manager, the best version of yourself. Mark spreads words of wisdom about being resilient and tenacious!
Adam Black gets down to the nitty gritty of what and/or who is a manager, and he continues banging-on about his “Control vs. Chaos” and the “Dunning-Kruger Effect” realities until the global Engineering industry has their own changes in perception.
Mark Behrens talks about their experience with culture change many times in attempts to improve processes that have been met with mixed results. Mark mentions that by learning from past failures, we have created positive change.
Rob Sinclair introduces five ways that AI drafting is helping surveyors make the most of their reality capture workflows.