
AUGI members worldwide write articles, papers, tutorials all the time. Here we host that material on our site in a manner that allows readers to find what they are interested in. We have sections in a number of areas, some related to products and others management and organizational issues.

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Page 3 of 6 pages
Libby Byrne
Tim Kivisto
Joshua Geimecke
BIM for FM
Melanie Stone
Lola Carbajal Moro
Gareth Spencer
Making New Connections
Kimberly Fuhrman-Jones
Philip Russo
Bridge Modeling
oliver langwich
Marilyn Law
Jason Boehning
Raul Pacheco
Joshua Geimecke
Philip Russo
Marilyn Law
Marilyn Law
Lola Carbajal Moro
Adam Munoz
Dan McCloskey
Michael Hopple
Page 3 of 6 pages