Check Marks in a Drawing Index
The drawing index can be a very complex type of schedule. What to list, how to group it, date it, and graphically represent it are all issues that come into play when creating the neatest drawing index.
A widely used graphic in drawing lists is the check mark. The following is a tutorial on how to place a check mark for drawings with various issue dates.
Figure 1: Placing a checkmark under the various dates
We start by creating a simple drawing index and choosing the appropriate fields, as below. The sheet number, name, and order should be familiar fields. Added parameters are Issue #1 through #5, which represent five different issue dates that this particular drawing index needs. These are YES/NO
Figure 2: Adding fields: Sheet Number, Name, and Order, as well as five issues dates.
parameters, grouped under Identity Data and applied to Sheets, as shown above. So basically, for each drawing, there can be a YES/NO parameter under the relevant date. However, our purpose here is to replace this YES/NO with either a checkmark (Yes), or simply an empty field (NO). The way to do this is by creating a conditional formula for our Issue # (1 thru 5) parameters.
Conditional formulas, or conditional statements in a formula, return a value that depends on other parameters. Here, we want to create a formula that would place a checkmark IF we have a YES value, and would not place anything IF we have a NO value for each drawing and its relevant date.
For this reason, we need to create a calculated value, which would act as the result of our formula. Let’s call it “Check Mark for Issue # (1 thru 5).” Hence, to simplify it, we have a parameter ‘Issue #’, which is part of a formula, whose result is a calculated value called ‘Check Mark for Issue #’.
Our formula basically states, that IF parameter Issue#1 (as in the case above) is YES, then an “X” will be placed in its place; otherwise it will remain empty.
Only a few small tweaks remain to be made in our drawing index. Since we want the calculated value field, Check Mark for Issue #, to show and not the parameter Issue# to show, we need to Hide the Issue# field.
Figure 4: Make Issue# a hidden field.
We can title the calculated value, Check Mark for Issue #, with a Header “Date” and make it appear vertical for better graphical representation on the sheet.
Figure 5: Adding a 'Date' header to our calculated value and making it vertical
Let’s fill in a few issue dates in our header to see the final result. Also, let’s place a checkmark for all relevant Issue #s in the Properties of our sheets, as shown below.
Figure 6: Choosing which drawings to appear with which Issue Date
Now, when out on a sheet, our drawing index should look like the figure below.
Figure 7: Final drawing index with checkmarks