
Implementing the Multileader to Stand Out in the Crowd

The Multileader

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…

Well, not that long ago, but prior to AutoCAD 2008 the CAD designer/operator had to point to an object using numerous leaders to reference single or multiple items. Yes, there were tricks to making the leader point to several areas by using a grip copy or even just tracing over the original leader.  

A multileader is more than just a leader having the ability to have numerous leaders attached to a single piece of text. A multileader object typically consists of an arrowhead, a horizontal landing, a leader line or curve, and either a multiline text object or a block. Multileaders can be created arrowhead first, leader landing first, or content first. If a multileader style has been used, the multileader can be created from that specified style. Let’s review the multileader and some of the variables and concepts that make this tool a very important part of standards implementation in AutoCAD.

Figure 1: Annotate ab

Figure 2: Multileader ribbon panel

Multileaders can be found on the Annotate tab (Figure 1) of the ribbon under the Leader panel.  Figure 2 shows all of the individual components of the Leader panel on the ribbon. Items 1-6 shown below are defined as listed (command shortcuts are shown in  parentheses).

  1. Issues the Multileader command (MLD). Command shortcut: launches current mleader style.
  2. Pull down for your current multileader style (MLS).
  3. Add another leader to a current multileader object (MLE).
  4. Remove a leader from a current multileader object (MLE).
  5. Multileader Style menu dialog box (MLS). Same as number 2 above.
  6. Multileader collect (MLC).
  7. Multileader align (MLA).

It's All About Style

If you work in Civil 3D like I do you already know the importance of styles. The same is true for the Multileader. Selecting the leader panel arrow as shown in Step 5 (Figure 2) will bring up the Multieader Style Manager as shown in Figure 3.  

Figure 3: Multileader Style Manager

The Multleader Style Manager is where we can create, modify, and delete multileader styles in our drawing and add to our current drawing and/or template. Hit New and type in My New Leader as shown in Figure 4. The default style is Standard. As with linetype and dimension styles, it is good practice to create new styles with unique names so you do not have a conflict with other users opening up your drawings.

After selecting Continue, the Modify Multileader Style menu will appear with many options for your new style. The Style Manager has three different tabs: Leader Format, Leader Structure, and Content (see Figure 5). Within this box you can define a default arrowhead format as well as text, to name a few. Let’s continue to modify our new style by reviewing the steps shown below.

Figure 4: Multileader Style Manager

Figure 5: Define your new leader

  1. Leader format determines the type of leader you are going to create (i.e., type, color, linetype, lineweight). We are only going to change the arrowhead symbol and keep the leader Straight (you can also choose Spline or None).
  2. Leader Sructure is where you can set constraints, landing distance, and scale of the multileader.
  3. The Content tab controls the content of the leader where you can specify mtext, blocks, or none.  This tab is where we will set the default text to AUGIWORLD as shown above. You can also change the setting to a block and have the leader connecting to an object or user defined block.
  4. Under the Leader Format tab select Right Angle for your arrowhead as shown in step 4. Then move to the Content and type AUGIworld as your default text. Hit OK then close the Style Manager.
  5. When issuing the command don’t forget to look at the command line. Autodesk has made some significant improvements to the AutoCAD command line in the last few releases; there are many options there that you may not be aware of.

You are now ready to try out your new leader by  selecting the Multileader icon or typing MLE at the command prompt. Your current style will be listed directly right of the image as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Define your new leader

Continue on and create a template drawing with all of your Multileader styles and have those available to import into a current or new drawing. Figure 7 shows an example of how you can create serveral different multileader styles (annotative and standard) and place within one drawing as a guide. In the example the RS=Romans and the ARB=ArialB is the font style. The number (i.e., 12 = 12pt) represents the text size. Also, notice the annotative symbol to represent the annotative properties of the leader.

Figure 7: Define your new leader

Figure 8: Multileader button tool

Import the Multileader

Now that we have our template created let’s take that one step further and add it to a button or a tool palette. Figure 8 shows an example image followed by the code needed to insert your multileaders into an existing drawing via tool palettes. You can do the same with the CUI by adding a new command. Several classes at Autodesk University online show you how to add a new command to the ribbon (look for AutoCAD Customization). We are going to focus on adding the command to a palette as shown in Figure 8; the code for the macro is shown below it.

The macro to insert our multileader styles will look like this:

^C^C_-insert;"C:/AUGI/My Leaders.dwg";^C^C_mleaderstyle;

Get a Grip

First we will cancel any existing command by entering ^C two times. Next run the insert command (with a hyphen to suppress the dialog box) then the file path. Notice how I have forward slashes. In a macro a forward slash is used for the path; the typical backward slash will pause for user input and the command will be cancelled. Then finally we run the Mleader style command to show the user that the styles have been loaded into the drawing. 

Figure 9: Grip editing

With right-click customization turned on, you can touch your multileader and use the mutifunctional grips to quickly edit. You can use grips to manipulate a multileader’s individual component, just as if it were several objects instead of a single object. Hold down the Ctrl key and click a multileader to select different pieces. You will notice the landing grip (blue arrow) to stretch the distance of the landing line. Making the grips hot, you can add leaders, remove leaders, and even add a vertex as shown. This will not affect your current multileader style.

Multileaders in Blocks 

Start to create another new leader by using our current leader as our start from point. Under the Content tab change the multileader type to Block and select the Block as Detail Callout (see Figure 10). AutoCAD supplies us with several blocks to start and those are shown within the source list shown below.

Figure 10: Use a block in Multileaders

Use the attachment drop-down list to specify how to attach the block to the leader. Pick the insertion Point Option to attach the block to the leader according to the base point. The Center Extents option is used to attach the block to the leader by using the center of the block. Add the leader to your current drawing and see how you now have a block (with attributes) that reacts just as a multileader. You now have a block that contains all of the functions of a multileader—you can add leaders, move and the block object remains attached according to the setting you specified within the Content tab of the Multileader style.

Collect and Align

The collect and align multileader editing tools provide us a way to clean up and organize our drawings. MULTILEADERCOLLECT will collect the multileaders into one group as shown below. The image below (from Autodesk Help) shows a before and after scenario of collecting multileaders.

Figure 11: Align multileaders

The Align command helps us line up leaders in groups rather than moving and editing individually. If you want to change the spacing of the multileader objects, enter S and specify one of the following spacing methods:

Distribute - spaces content evenly between two selected points.

Use Current - uses the current spacing between multileaders.

Make Parallel - places content so that each of the last line segments in the selected multileaders are parallel.

Tool Palettes and Multileaders

Tool palettes can provide one of the quickest ways to increase productivity without programming. A tool palette is a free-floating tab that you can bring up on screen and keep active while you work in your drawing so you have quick access to common symbols, commands, and most any other tool you need to complete the design. You can add any command from AutoCAD to a palette, creating quick access to all of your favorites and shortcuts. AutoCAD supplies us with multileader samples within the tool palette as shown in Figure 12. Create your multileader template drawing, then place on a palette. To do this just right-click and copy one of these leaders and paste to the existing palette or a new palette, then just replace the code with what has been provided. You now have your Multileader standards just a click away!

Figure 12: Tool palette example


Multileaders tools have been available in AutoCAD for more than six years. Take time out of your day to explore the possibilities of this tool which, in my opinion, is one of the most efficient and productive methods for labeling and identifying objects in AutoCAD. In this article we have covered a basic overview of the multileader object. Go out there and be a leader by taking control of how you edit and label your drawings. You will learn how to leverage the power and flexibility that the multileader has to offer. You will become more efficient and productive in this fast-paced world of CAD and design.

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