
Letter from the President - December 2021

Welcome to the December issue of AUGIWORLD! This month our focus is on Industry Insights.

I’ve been perusing the Autodesk University 2021 sessions and found several that related to our topic. One that I was inspired by was titled “Preserving 800-year city heritage using open online BIM courses” by Alexander Vysotskiy and Aleksei Agafonov (
). This was an industry talk where they discussed their project. They had a need to generate a city model to preserve the history of the city (buildings, parks, etc). Most of the buildings are wood and there was a real concern that a working model of the city was critical so that there was documentation for restoration if needed. However, they were short one major item, people who had the skills to create this model. So, they did an amazing thing, they offered free BIM training via YouTube streaming in exchange for
creating BIM models in the city. Basically, they crowd-sourced the design! Over 2400 people initially signed up for the project, over 1500 people created BIM models, and 549 people finished the training.

I was very impressed, if you think about it, there are now 549 people who weren’t using BIM modeling tools who are now capable of taking on these projects and perhaps provide themselves with new employment opportunities. Additionally, at least another 1000 people had some training and another 800 people had exposure to it. Considering the value of the model of the city, plus the incredible value they created by offering free training in exchange for BIM modeling, I’m not sure you can even quantify the value of this project!

I hope you enjoy this month’s edition of AUGIWORLD, and I hope you take the time to be inspired by industry talks from AU as well as other conferences (like the ESRI User Conference). I found a webpage that has a compiled list of BIM conferences - Check it out, I’m sure you’ll find something helpful!

So, one last thing. On December 8th at 10 am (HST), 12 pm (PST), 1 pm (MST), 2 pm (CST), 3 pm (EST), we will be holding our AUGI General Meeting for 2021. Everyone is welcome and we’d love for you all to attend.

Best regards,


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