
Letter from the President - February 2013

Happy February AUGI member! (Or what’s left of it anyway… ;))

So what is new? Plenty! The AUGI Board of Directors has already held two meetings this year. This is typically done the 2nd Saturday of the month. Your Board set aside about 2 hours to discuss organizational issues, management tasks, and project development. Of course minutes are taken at these meetings, and although it sometimes last a few months to get them posted to the website, you are welcome to review our Board minutes here:

I must give a “shout out” to AUGI member Daniel Hurtubise for the cover for the February 2013 issue of AUGIWORLD. It really came out great and I’ve received a number of emails stating as such. Care to show off your photography skills? All you have to do is contact me and odds are very high you could grace the cover as well.
The website is actually doing well. We have seen an increase year over year of about 36% more unique visitors and an increase of over 19% pageviews. The website is more often than not the first place Autodesk users go to seek out information about their favorite products. We are very proud to help maintain and grow this worldwide user asset and thank the membership for the opportunity to do so.

Do you really eat, sleep, and breathe Autodesk software? If so, you really should consider becoming an AUGI Professional member. Not only do you get all the great benefits of being a “Pro” you get access to the Autodesk Developer Network for 2013. Want to know more? Check it out and then upgrade yourself.

Local User Groups
We have recently been editing the LUG Handbook and it will be posted soon. When it goes live it will be here and will contain tons of helpful information on starting and running a local user group in your area. Hey! If you already have a great LUG and would like to tell the AUGI community about it, please drop me a note I’m looking to do an article in AUGIWORLD or two about successful LUGs.

Autodesk University
It is well known that Autodesk conducts a wonderful event each year (and now in multiple locations). After this event they then take the 4 year old event materials from and hand that off to AUGI to do something with. Well this is no small feat with hundreds of classes each year and exponentially increasing in data storage requirements. Our intrepid forums volunteer Richard (Opie) Lawrence is working as I type on getting our AU content finally online in the new website. But this time around it is being housed in the Forums. This will enable discussion about a given class as well as an easier way to share files. As new material is loaded up you will find it all at We hope to have from 2000 to 2009 loaded up by the next time I write my letter. Crossing my fingers! Note: you will need to log in to actually download the materials.

And with that, this letter is a wrap!


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