
Letter from the President - February 2020

Think back to the very beginning of your career. For me, it was the day I walked into class at a local technical school. I had a few board drafting classes in high school, but little did I know where that first day in tech school would lead. I wasn’t even sure drafting was what I really wanted to do!

I remember being taught basic drafting skills - hand drafting the alphabet over and over and repeating lines to draft standard line weights and line styles properly. I am sure all of those hours bent over a drafting board are keeping my chiropractor in business today. Once those skills were sufficient, we were able to move on to CAD. (I won’t tell you which release of AutoCAD® we used, because that would give away my age!) I remember how intimidating it was at that time because technology was still fairly new. My instructor gave us advice I still use to this day. He said, “Don’t be afraid to press the buttons! That is the best way to learn, and you can always UNDO!” If only we could apply that philosophy to all areas of our lives!

Looking back over the years, it is easy to forget what it was like as a beginner in the industry. I found AUGI early on and used the resources on the website and in the forums to improve my skills. AUGI continues to be a resource for beginners and experienced users alike. As a community, it is important to remember that not everyone is on the same level with technology. Not everyone enjoys using the technology as much as some do. Many are just beginning in their careers, and rely on those who are more experienced to help them wade through the weeds and improve their skills.

I love how the AUGI community works to help one another across different software platforms. I look forward to seeing even more interaction as we continue to add a variety of discussion topics to the forums and articles to AUGIWORLD. This month is our Beginner edition of AUGIWORLD, and our helpful AUGI authors have extended a hand of assistance to those just starting out. To the beginners in our AUGI community, welcome! I hope you find the support and knowledge-sharing of our community helpful as you start your new endeavors! If you have more experience under your belt, I hope you will consider sharing your knowledge by writing an article for AUGIWORLD and being active in our forums. I am personally thankful for AUGI’s help through the years!

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