Letter from the President - September 2014
Heading into Fall (in the Northern Hemisphere)
I hope this letter finds each of you with great memories from the summer that has just (unofficially) passed in the Northern Hemisphere. For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s not too early to be making some plans for your upcoming summer.
AUGI has some memorable things going on. The website is undergoing some optimization and should be done with this phase by the time you are reading this. The reason for doing this is so AUGI will be ready for the next phase of the website redesign. As I mentioned a couple of months ago, the Board has determined that the website needs to be more responsive on a variety of devices. The optimization will improve the speed of the site, but the next phase will concentrate on the actual design for multiple formats.
The AUGI Board is also heavily into the planning for Autodesk University, which will be here before you know it. Every year AUGI conducts its annual meeting at AU and the Board really wants to shake things up this year.
We would be happy to hear about your ideas for the event. Please contact your Board of Directors at the following address: board (at) augi.com.
The Board of Directors is also interested in what is important to you in support of the Autodesk applications you use. Are there avenues of support that you wish AUGI had? For example, AUGI will soon be conducting webinars. Does that idea interest you? Do you have a topic about which you are passionate and want to reach a broad audience? If so, consider the idea of conducting an AUGI webinar. AUGI will be doing a couple of pilot webinars to determine the best approach to conducting them, but very soon we will be looking for members who want to conduct a webinar.
I know that the summer can be a tough time for local user groups because of the number of members who are away on vacation or holiday. As we head into fall, please remember your local user groups and show them your support by attending meetings. The local user group performs a vital function by bringing people together face-to-face to talk about the things that affect them professionally. If you feel that your local user group doesn’t meet your needs, please seek out the leadership and let them know your concerns. After all, it is YOUR local user group and AUGI is YOUR worldwide user group.