
Quick Tip: How to Effectively Use Associative Dimensions

Have you ever had a dimension automatically update when you use Move to move one of the objects that was dimensioned … even if the dimension layer is Off or Frozen!?  That’ll mess with your head.

The Variable DIMASSOC

Set the DIMASSOC variable to <1>, then add a dimension.  Move the objects, and the dimension does not update.

Set the DIMASSOC variable to <2>, then add a dimension.  Move the objects, and the dimension does update.

Disabling the DIMASSOC Associativity

Q:  “How do you disable the ‘follow’ feature incurred when you have Dimassoc set to <2>?”   

Curiously, you cannot change the Associative condition of the selected dimension in the Properties dialog box (notice in the illustration that the Associative option is grayed out).

A:  DIMDISASSOCIATE, then select the offending dimension.

[And yes, those of you making the mental leap have discovered there is also a DIMREASSOCIATE; just follow the prompts.]

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