AUGIWORLD April 2018 Issue
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Join AUGI TodayAutodesk's newest begin to roll out
It used to be that Autodesk’s releases hit once a year, usually in the spring. These days, new features are being released incrementally throughout the year. Regardless, users still anticipate these product rollouts to see if the new features and enhancements to existing features are going to be just what they needed.
In the April 2018 issue of AUGIWorld, some authors explore what’s new in Autodesk 2019, while other articles take a deeper dive into earlier versions of various Autodesk products.
So whether you are contemplating the upgrade to 2018.x of a given Autodesk product or were waiting for the latest release, this issue has it covered.
In April 2018 AUGIWorld:
New Look, New Features — Brian Benton explores AutoCAD 2019. Autodesk has focused on some cosmetic issues and Brian finds a useful, timesaving Compare tool.
Making Schedules Smart — Andrea Alderton shows how Revit MEP can do much more for you, beginning with improvements in schedules.
A Recap: Advice I Give Myself, Part 2 — Mark Kiker continues with a revisit to sound advice he has given others, and himself, through the years.
Manage This! — Kimberly Fuhrman advises you to fight the urge to jump right into modeling on a new Revit Structure project. Take your time and start off right.
Tips & Tricks — Melinda Heavrin offers numerous tips for AutoCAD Architecture 2018: 3D printing, Revision Cloud, object selection, PDF enhancements, and much more.
Also in this issue…
What’s New in Civil 3D 2019? — Shawn Herring looks at improvements in the latest release with views/viewports, profile geometry, and xref layers, among others.
Enhanced Functionality for Roads, Bridges and More — Todd Rogers takes a close look at InfraWorks 2018’s road and bridge design tools.
Inside Track — Brian Andresen presents new AEC-related products. This month: ReOpen, which lets Inventor users resume their work quickly; with AutoExcel, users can easily export and re-import Revit projects into Excel; AreaMarker, which allows users to get areas of CAD objects and regions and mark the results in a drawing.