
AUGIWORLD April 2019 Issue

AUGIWORLD April 2019 Issue


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Collaboration at your fingertips

A quick search online will reveal how Webster defines collaboration, but what does collaboration look like in the real world? What resources are available to facilitate a true team approach in AEC? Begin with the tools inside Autodesk products that enable collaboration, discussed by our experts in the April 2019 issue of AUGIWorld.

  • 3ds Max Collaboration with Shared Views – Brian Chapman discusses how Shared Views in 3ds Max enable efficient sharing of work for review and comment.
  • Quality Control Views Are a Must – Philip Russo stresses the importance of having established views that are set up for quality review, as well as the associated view templates and filters.
  • Documented Workflows: A Key Collaboration Tool – Mark A. Conway on the subject of documented workflows, which he believes provide a standard for drawing consistency, a stable guide for project collaboration between departments, and a tool for training or retraining mind and muscle memory for incoming associates.
  • What Should I Stop Doing? – Last month, Mark Kiker wrote about what tech managers should start doing. This time he looks at the flip side—the mindsets and activities tech managers should stop.
  • Using Layers for Collaboration – Sam Lucido illustrates how the proper use of layers in AutoCAD can facilitate collaboration.
  • Collaborate in InfraWorks – Tony Carcamo discusses how site models can easily be shared to help streamline the approval process during preliminary site design, analysis, and construction phases of a project.
  • BIM 360 for Collaboration – Dominique Majon reminds us how far we’ve come with regard to sharing designs, and explains how BIM 360 allows for more efficient collaboration among all stakeholders.
  • Inside Track – Brian Andresen presents new and enhanced AEC-related products. This month: ngSkin Tools, a skinning plug-in for Autodesk Maya; Relink Bitmaps, a script to relink missing files when they change directories or you move computers; and BlackBox ViewportGrip, which allows AutoCAD users to choose how the Centroid & Viewport grip behave.
