AUGIWORLD April 2020 Issue

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Join AUGI TodaySpring is in the air! A fresh, new season and a fresh, new issue of AUGIWorld. You are a manager of your life, your time, your job—whatever that may be.
The April 2020 issue looks at how we manage our software, and our authors have put together their best management advice to share with you. I am sure you will learn something from these articles that you can apply to your own software applications.
In the April 2020 issue:
- Finding Work-Life Balance as a 3ds Max Artist — Brian Chapman explains how to balance your work life and home life in order to succeed in managing your time as design professionals effectively.
- Civil 3D Management — Shawn Herring shares his knowledge with managing data best practices for styles, folder structure, surfaces, and more!
- Closing the Gaps in Coordination — Ken Flannigan tells us how to bridge the gap with collaboration based on partnership, accessibility, and clarity.
- Introduction to 3D with AutoCAD — Once again, Brian Chapman shows us how a core function of AutoCAD is to design, and detail 3-Dimensional objects. He shares with us in this article the basic functions used in design using AutoCAD’s 3D capability.
- Revit Build Machine (Part 2) — An extension from March’s article (Part 1), Travis Head shares with us much more detail on things you need to look for and consider when stepping off into these uncharted waters. After reading this edition, you will have everything you need to know to take the plunge and build your own Revit workstation, and save a bunch of money doing it.
- Inside Track — Brian Andresen demonstrates the latest opportunities to advance your skills, processes, and workflows in your firm, with the most current AEC-related software and hardware updates available.
- Career Path — Take Control of your Management Career — Mark Kiker explains how to plan your career and that the most decisive choices you need to make are the ones about which career to pursue.