
AUGIWORLD August 2017 Issue

AUGIWORLD August 2017 Issue


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Collaboration in Action

Collaboration is often talked about and occasionally put into practice, sometimes successfully so. When thinking about collaboration, we tend to focus on the human aspect. That is, it takes individuals to do the hard work of planning process and procedure, and for everyone else to buy in, to ensure that collaboration moves from theory to reality.

But there’s a technology element that should be considered as well—what can software tools do to facilitate collaboration? The August 2017 issue of AUGIWorld focuses on these concepts and more.

Collaboration in 2017 and Beyond — Joshua Geimecke explores the human side and technological side of collaboration and presents practical advice for moving forward. Then he discusses how newer technology may be used to enhance collaboration in the future.

Collaboration (and More) in 5 Simple Steps — Matt Wunch dives into the Autodesk AEC Collection with a close look at how effectively InfraWorks, Civil 3D, Revit, Navisworks and Live work together.

The Right Tools for the Job — Walt Sparling encourages AutoCAD users to think outside the box, literally, and consider a few other software tools in the drawing arena.

A Design Tour of the HP Z2 Mini — This month’s Tech Insights looks under the hood at HP’s pint-sized powerhouse.

Remodeling Your Tech Environment — Mark Kiker shares lessons he learned during a recent kitchen remodel and how they apply to the CAD/BIM/Tech environment.

The Project Navigator: The Center for Drawing Management — Melinda Heavrin investigates the Project Navigator in AutoCAD Architecture 2018—step by step and tab by tab.

Also in this issue…

  • Collaboration Tools in 3ds Max — Brian Chapman proves why help with collaboration may be as close as certain features within your software. Xrefs and the File Link Manager are highlighted.
  • The Workflow of the Future… Now! — Ron Couillard provides a look at a multi-software workflow that will advance projects faster.
  • Inside Track — Brian Andresen presents three new offerings for AEC users. This month: QuickSelect, an easy way to select elements in Revit; Modelo Exporter for Revit, a 3D-enabled platform that facilitates presentation, collaboration, and more; and WebGL Exporter for 3ds Max, which exports solid bodies into HTML.
