AUGIWORLD January 2015 Issue

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Another new year, another chance to reflect, reset, and refresh. As we slip into 2015, how about making personal and professional progress #1 on your to-do list? With a little help from your AUGIWorld friends, you can get a great start on a year's worth of advancement.
Mark Kiker, veteran CAD manager, explores the sometimes subtle differences between a sponsor and a mentor and the impact of each on the protégé in his article "And Now a Word from our Sponsor."
In "Work on Your Personal Advancement," author Walt Sparling offers a roadmap for making professional gains in the coming year.
This issue of AUGIWorld, the first of 2015, also offers an array of product-oriented content for Revit MEP, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Inventor, and more.
Also in the January 2015 AUGIWorld...
Trial, Error, Success - Kyle Schicker shares his company's experience of using Autodesk Revit MEP to create 3D, as-built models.
Speed and Simplify with Sheet Set Manager - Melinda Heavrin shows the benefits of using the Sheet Set Manager in AutoCAD Architecture 2015.
Hidden Survey Gems - Shawn Herring reveals some of the unknown or underutilized features in AutoCAD Civil 3D that are of particular interest to surveyors.
Design-Level BIM - Tom Fuller describes the use of SysQue for Autodesk Revit for mechanical and plumbing design modeling.
10 Reasons Why Inventor Is Still My Sweetheart - John Evans recognizes the promise of Autodesk Fusion 360 Ultimate, but offers 10 reason s why his allegiance remains, for now, with Autodesk Inventor.
Real Life Perspective: Transitioning from AutoCAD to Revit - Michael Hopple addresses the BIM holdouts - those dwindling few who are reluctant to move from AutoCAD to Revit. Here, some pros and cons.
Also in this issue...
Inside Track - Brian Andresen looks at new Autodesk-related software in this regular AUGIWorld column. This month: BIMObject apps for AutoCAD, Revit, ArchiCAD and SketchUp; the Constructware Field mobile app from Autodesk, which lets Constructware users view, download, and upload AEC project documents from the field or office; and BIM9 Private BIM Cloud, which uses mainstream computer hardware technologies along with custom configurations to allow design teams to work on large building information models simultaneously from different physical locations.
Becoming Virtualized: The Future of Computation in the AEC Industry - this month's CASE and HP article explores the benefits of virtualized computing.
MSI WS60: An Autodesk Worthy Laptop - David Harrington looks under the hood of the MSI WS60 to determine its usefulness for Autodesk software users.
AUGI Wish List 2014 - a list of the top 10 product-enhancement wishes from AUGI members for the following products: AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD, Inventor, Navisworks, Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, and Revit Structure.