AUGIWORLD June 2017 Issue

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Okay, so you’ve licensed new software. Now what? Decisions await you, not the least of which is how to handle training, how best to roll out the new release, how to make sure the users are using the new software efficiently, and many others.
In the June 2017 issue of AUGIWorld, our authors help you manage implementation, among other things. These “other things” include managing your software licenses.
In Philip Russo’s article, “Protecting Your Software Investment,” you’ll pick up some good advice for managing your licenses and users.
And Jay Zallan provides insight into using a custom keynote database in his article, “Addressing Keynotes (in Addition to the CSI Kind).”
Read on to ease your implementation headaches.
The Tech Manager’s Time Crunch — Mark Kiker offers some timely advice for, well, managing your time. Follow these guidelines to help you stay on top of the multiple tasks that face you each day.
Managing Styles — Melinda Heavrin steps you through the Style Manager in AutoCAD Architecture 2018. You’ll learn how to create styles, work with drawings and templates, sort styles, and more.
Implementation of Arion Renderer — Brian Chapman demonstrates the benefits 3ds Max users can enjoy with the use of the Arion Renderer.
Tech Insights — In “HP ZBook Family Generation 4 — Power on the Go,” Robert Green introduces HP’s line of powerful, secure solutions that meet Autodesk software requirements.
Implementation: Change Is Coming — Phillip Lynch helps you navigate the minefield called standards implementation with some advice on dealing with users, getting buy-in from management, and other critical considerations.
Read on to ease your implementation headaches.
• Plentiful Plug-Ins — Dat Lien and Xavier Loayza team up to bring you a nice collection of plug-ins for AutoCAD 2018, right out of the Autodesk App Store.Also in this issue…
• Inside Track — Brian Andresen presents a trio of Autodesk and related software products on the market. This month: Copy Worksets from Files 2017, for Revit; the Model Health Checker, which scans your Revit project files and reports on problems that are impacting performance; and Break@Points, which leverages the functionality of AutoCAD commands Break at Point, Divide, and Measure.