AUGIWORLD March 2014 Issue

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Join AUGI TodayAccelerate Your Productivity with Tips & Tricks
Few things capture Autodesk product users' attention more than tips & tricks. These little productivity boosters have been passed on from user to user, learned in the "classroom" at Autodesk University, and even stumbled upon by users trying to solve a problem and, luckily, finding a great shortcut.
That's why, historically, AUGIWorld's annual look at tips & tricks is among the magazine's most popular issues. In the March 2014 issue, AUGIWorld authors bring you a batch of tips to accelerate your productivity.
Marcello Sgambelluri teases with his provocatively titled "Shocking Family Secrets Revealed." He has spent years collecting tips for Revit Architecture and shares them here.
In "Getting Attached with XREFs," Walt Sparling helps AutoCAD users learn all about this powerful tool, with plenty of tips along the way.
And Revit Structure users will benefit from Scott Melching's nice collection of "Tips, Tools & Workarounds." This issue is packed cover to cover with tips & tricks, and here's what else you'll find.
Also in the March 2014 issue:
Conflict Resolution - Ed Hannabas helps MEP engineers discover where and how they fit into the project pipeline.
Top Ten Revit Tips, by CASE - CASE and HP team up for a new monthly AUGIWorld column aimed at helping users get the most out of Autodesk software. This month: Revit users learn about help resources.
CNC Cut Files with Autodesk Product Design Suites, Part 1 - Scott Moyse and Gavin Bath present the first of a two-part series of articles, derived from their Autodesk University class. Part 1 addresses the various methods for producing 2D CNC cut files or tool paths within Inventor.
Drawing Back the Curtains - Joel Bradley sheds light on creating tied-back curtains within 3ds Max. He begins with setting up the project folder and goes all the way through to finished product.
Getting Started with Revit Macros - Michael Kilkelly introduces Revit users to the beauty of macros for handling the dull, repetitive tasks that everyone faces from time to time.
Won't You Please Help Me? - Knowing where to look for help to solve an AutoCAD Civil 3D problem is a huge step in the right direction. Author Sam Lucido points the way.
Schedule Tables in ACA - Melinda Heavrin presents a comprehensive lesson on using Schedule Tables in AutoCAD Architecture.
CAD Manager: Tips for Your Tricks - Mark Kiker advises CAD managers to carefully vet the plethora of tips & tricks available to their staff.
Inside Track – Lee Ambrosius with new offerings for Autodesk users. This month: SmartPurger, a batch drawing utility; AutoParameter, which allows users to import and expert constraint parameters between AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel; and RDBK_ReLoad, a Revit add-on that allows users to reload families into a project.