AUGIWORLD March 2015 Issue

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When it comes to using Autodesk software, there are a couple of certainties. One is that you will not use the software in its out-of-the-box state for very long. The other is that you will, over time, learn an impressive number of tips & tricks - those little shortcuts, under-used features that don't get much fanfare, methods for performing certain tasks, etc. that save a lot of time and more than a little frustration. These handy helpers sometimes come by way of your own discovery, but more often are passed along by colleagues in your office and peers you meet in the AUGI Forums and elsewhere.
In the March 2015 issue of AUGIWorld, our authors share some of their favorite tips & tricks to add to your growing collection! Michelle Rasmussen asks, "Are You Taking Full Advantage of Civil 3D?" and then presents a handful of time-saving tips and tricks to help you realize the potential in the software.
Inventor users will benefit from Mike Thomas's article, "Tips for Advanced Assembly Control," which offers a comprehensive look at representations in Inventor.
Dive into this issue and begin gathering the productivity boosters.
Also in the March 2015 AUGIWorld...
New Old Tricks for Newbies and Old Dogs - Murray Clack, long-time AutoCAD veteran, uncovers some nuggets in AutoCAD.
Introduction to Revit Macros, Part 2 - Troy Gates revisits macros for Revit MEP, this time with a real-world example.
No Magic Wand, in Life OR Revit - Jay Zallan urges users to tap the vast resources of the Internet and even look within their software for choice tips and tricks.
50 Fast Tips & Tricks - Brian Chapman goes from 0 to 50 with tips & tricks for 3ds Max users.
BIM Then and Now - Ryan Joyce visits BIM as it was a few years ago, when users thought 3D design was BIM, and now, when sophisticated users know that BIM is so much more.
Also in this issue...
Technology in Practice - This month's HP/CASE article is "Gaining real returns on investment by running AutoCAD on workstations." Find out what older workstations are really costing you and how you can make the case for new hardware.
Rendering Materials in ACA - Melinda Heavrin steps you through the materials rendering process in AutoCAD Architecture.
The Protégé Perspective - CAD Manager Mark Kiker continues his series on the benefits of the mentor-protégé pairing. This month, he explores the topic from the perspective of the protégé.
Inside Track - More new AEC-related products from Autodesk and partners, presented by Brian Andresen. This month, Revit Version Checker, Easy Keynoter for Autodesk Revit, and NoteBuilder.