AUGIWORLD October 2020 Issue

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Are you happy with working with the “out-of-the-box” software? Of course not! That brings us to our October issue of customization.
And what about that interface? Don’t get stuck with the same, bland interface as everyone else you know. This issue also covers customizing your interface.
Also in the October 2020 issue:
Civil 3D Customization — Shawn Herring shares his customization options for Civil 3D. He also covers some helpful 3rd party apps to help in speeding up production that were developed from users needing more customization.
Customize 3ds Max with Script Buttons — Once again, Brian Chapman shows us how to use script buttons in 3ds Max. Brian gives us 4 scripts in this article.
A Whole New Office — Paul Li discusses pre and post pandemic office scenarios. From data sharing & collaboration, to synchronized drives. We go from the beginning of drafting on the board, to our current virtual workspace.
Customization in Revit — Our long-lost author Eric Wing comes back to us with a great article on creating a deployment & customizing it, as well as, single sign-on (SSO) options. Welcome back Eric, it has been too long!
FormIt Overview — Nothing to do with customization, but this is an article you will want to read! From our returning author Andrell Laniewicz, we get a thorough overview of Autodesk’s FormIt. After you read this, you will want to install it and use it.
Inside Track — Brian Andresen brings us more opportunities to advance our skills, processes and workflows in our firms using the most current AEC related software and hardware updates that are available.
- Get by With a Little Help — Mark Kiker always takes a subject and relates it to being a manager. And how do you associate management with customization? Mark shows us some great resources for obtaining all of the customization you can handle.