AUGI HotNews April 2012

Tipniques: Scripts & ScriptPro
Senior Technician Reuben J. Stone guides you through setting up scripts to cut your task time.
Letter from the President - 2012 April
AUGI President David Harrington brings you up to date on all AUGI offerings.
Autodesk Media Summit 2012
AUGI attended the Autodesk Media Summit 2012 where we heard much about the new software that was coming. Come with us as we explore the roll-out of the next generation of CAD and BIM tools.
AUGI Forum Upgraded to vBulletin 4.1.11
Join us as we examine the path to launch for the new AUGI Forum software.
CAD Management: Bootstrapping
Self-Motivation is the first step in leading a team. In this issue, Mark Kiker follows up on his March article with six great tips for increasing your output and your time.
AUGI Home Page Poll: Job Search Poll Results
In a poll posted on the March 2012 AUGI homepage, Melanie asked members whether or not they were currently looking at jobs. It is nice to see that 49% of members are satisfactorily employed. However, it does make one wonder about the remainder.
Sponsor Spotlight: HP Z1 Workstation: The Power Without the Tower
The new HP Z1 Workstation sets a new standard for workstation design and performance – and delivers the power you need to bring your ideas to life.