
Different Teams, Same Project: Collaboration in AEC Design

Projects in the AEC industry are more than one person, more than one team, and more than one solution. One thing is for sure: when deep in design and trying to meet deadlines, we get tunnel vision and only see our own requirements, to meet our own deliverables and deadlines. This is not the mindset in the beginning days of a project. When we get together to discuss a project, lay out the desired elements, and set deadlines, the project is discussed as a team. As the project progresses and deadlines arrive, the stress of meeting those requirements increases. Everyone retreats back to their silo to finalize details and ensure they finish on time.

Team meetings still happen frequently, but the atmosphere changes from the once passionate creative discussions of pre-design to teams working to meet last-minute changes that must be incorporated before delivery and many other expected issues that always arise. Certain things are assumed as time goes on. We know that a large mechanical duct needs to be addressed by architecture, and confirmation that nothing clashes with a structural element is a priority. Three disciplines requiring confirmation to ensure one element isn’t interfering or causing conflict elsewhere in a project are essential to the design process.

Reaching your first deliverable. On time?

Your first deliverable is fast approaching, and you have just three weeks until you must submit your initial set of sheets. Suddenly, news hits: the client has been informed that they cannot bring in services from the originally planned side of the town, necessitating entry from the opposite side of the property. Compounding the issue, you are informed that the mechanical equipment initially selected will not support the proposed number of residences for the apartment unit, requiring alterations to accommodate new equipment.

These changes create significant challenges, as the service rooms and access points must be moved and completely redesigned. While you are not responsible for the full redesign until the next submission, you must still present a preliminary layout and make as many accommodations as possible. Additionally, you need to finalize your sheets and ensure they are ready for submission.

Numerous instances like these can cause delays and jeopardize meeting deadlines. To navigate these hurdles, it is crucial to stay connected with your team and consultants, ensuring that all information and changes are clearly communicated. This allows all disciplines to make the necessary adjustments promptly, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

By maintaining clear and continuous communication, fostering a collaborative environment, and utilizing real-time updates through collaborative tools, you can effectively manage these challenges. This approach helps meet deadlines and ensures the quality and accuracy of the project deliverables.

When should we worry about Model Clashing?

When do you begin model clashing?

Everyone who reads this will have a different answer. Whether you start it midway through or before tender, projects across the industries start clashing at various stages. Dare I say, some projects never truly clash, but do it manually in the models. Maybe you're new to this and looking for insight into what to do. We all have different answers to this question.

Model clashing is essential for successful designs and reducing stress during deadlines. While considering clashing from the project's inception might seem daunting, solutions like ACC make it manageable. By setting up Model Coordination with the models turned over to design teams early on, the process becomes easier to manage. This proactive approach enables live clashing, streamlining the design process and minimizing last-minute issues.

Situations like these reinforced the importance of establishing a BIM Services Team and equipping them with the tools to support design teams in delivering projects efficiently and effectively. Having experts available to assist designers ensures that content and standards are met, while also addressing issues related to templates and formatting.

[photo credit: Autodesk]

Coordination Meetings

Coordination meetings serve as a crucial forum for teams to come together and discuss various aspects of the project. These meetings provide an opportunity to identify potential clashes, seek clarification on design elements, and address any concerns that may arise.

Typically, these meetings are facilitated by a Project Coordinator who guides the discussion through each discipline's contributions. They inquire about progress, potential obstacles, and whether deadlines are likely to be met. Encouraging open communication, teams are urged to voice any challenges or issues they may encounter.

To enhance the effectiveness of coordination meetings, consider incorporating a clash review process. By utilizing programs and solutions that support an active clash detection system, potential obstructions can be identified early in the design phase, minimizing the need for extensive redesigns later on. This proactive approach not only streamlines the coordination process but also helps ensure smoother project progress and timely delivery.

[photo credit:]

Mark-Ups and Reviews

Let's start with the fact that no one particularly enjoys this part of the project. We know it has to happen; we just hope for minimal mark-ups and no major changes. Regardless, submitting your design to your discipline lead for review is an essential step in the process. This phase can be daunting, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and improvement. Receiving feedback helps ensure that the design meets all necessary standards and client expectations.

Effective mark-ups and reviews can significantly improve the quality of the final deliverable. Constructive feedback allows for the identification and resolution of potential issues before they become critical. This process is vital for maintaining the project's integrity and achieving a successful outcome.

To make the review process smoother, it’s beneficial to use collaborative tools that allow real-time mark-ups and comments. This approach not only speeds up the review process but also ensures that all team members are on the same page. By embracing this collaborative mindset, you can turn what is often seen as a tedious task into a valuable part of the project workflow.

Remember, the goal of mark-ups and reviews is not just to point out flaws but to enhance the overall design. Approach this phase with a positive attitude and use it as a chance to learn and improve. Clear communication and an open mind can turn feedback into a powerful tool for success.

[photo credit: Autodesk]

BIM Services - Design Management and production is our expertise

A successful BIM Services Team must include a diverse group of professionals from across the industry, each possessing exemplary skills that benefit various sectors and design teams. Our team supports your AEC IT needs, project setup and management, design coordination, content and data management, and package assembly. We are relied upon for our expertise and unwavering support.

The ability to navigate various software, disciplines, and coordinate among teams is crucial for a BIM Services Team. This team should be composed of professionals with a wide range of expertise. Not every member needs to have all the skills necessary for every task; instead, having specialists in key areas significantly reduces the time spent fixing problems, managing standards and templates, and collaborating with designers.

By bringing together experts in major areas, a BIM Services Team can streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and ensure that projects are delivered to the highest standards. This specialized support not only aids in maintaining project quality but also fosters a more cohesive and effective working environment, ultimately leading to successful project outcomes.

Driving Project Success with Proactive Strategies

In the fast-paced world of AEC design, successful project outcomes rely heavily on effective communication, collaboration, and coordination among diverse teams. From the inception of a project to its final deliverables, these elements serve as the bedrock of project success, ensuring that goals are met, deadlines are achieved, and quality is maintained.

Throughout our careers, we've witnessed the critical role that communication, collaboration, and coordination play in navigating the complexities of AEC projects. While challenges may arise, particularly as deadlines loom and requirements evolve, proactive strategies can mitigate risks and keep projects on track.

Coordination meetings serve as a vital platform for teams to come together, identify potential clashes, and address challenges head-on. These meetings, facilitated by Project Coordinators, provide a forum for open communication and problem-solving, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas can flourish, and issues can be resolved.

Additionally, the incorporation of clash review processes into coordination meetings can further enhance their effectiveness, enabling teams to identify and address issues early in the design phase. By leveraging technology and collaborative tools, teams can streamline workflows, minimize errors, and ensure smoother project progress.

Though often perceived as tedious, mark-ups and reviews present valuable opportunities for growth and improvement. By embracing feedback and utilizing collaborative tools for real-time mark-ups and comments, teams can enhance the quality of their designs and ensure alignment with client expectations.

Furthermore, the establishment of a dedicated BIM Services Team, equipped with diverse expertise and specialized support, can significantly bolster project efficiency and effectiveness. By harnessing the skills of these professionals and leveraging their knowledge, teams can navigate complex challenges and deliver projects to the highest standards.

As we continue to drive project success with proactive strategies, let us remain committed to fostering a culture of communication, collaboration, and coordination. By embracing these principles and taking concrete steps to enhance them, we can achieve greater efficiency, innovation, and success in our AEC projects.

Remember, the success of companies and projects hinges on these three key elements: communication, collaboration, and coordination. Let's continue to prioritize these principles and build a brighter future for the AEC industry together.

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