
AUGI HotNews October 2010


CAD in the Cloud: Introducing AutoCAD WS

AUGI President Mark Kiker, Autodesk Vice President Guri Stark, and Senior Software Development Manager Tal Weiss discuss AutoCAD WS, a cloud-based file sharing, editing, and collaboration tool that facilitates access to DWG and other files via any web browser as well as a variety of mobile devices.

The Early Years: Outward Appearances (2007)

All appears to be well as 2007 begins. The country chapter rollout expands AUGI's international presence in eight countries, AUGI CAD Camps begin an aggressive 55-city schedule, and AUGI membership ticks up. Still, tension behind the scenes continues to grow.

AUGI France Gets BIM Strategy

A BIM conference brings together Autodesk France and members of AUGI France for a preview of Autodesk's BIM strategy.


TIPniques: AutoCAD WS, A User’s Perspective

Brian Benton offers a closer look at AutoCAD WS, a product recently introduced by Autodesk to facilitate file sharing, editing, and collaboration in the cloud environment.

Sponsor Spotlight: Configuring a Revit Workstation

A properly configured workstation will allow you to take full advantage of Revit and its formidable capabilities. HP delivers a host of options.

Will CAD Spending Help Your Company Rebound?

Spending on technology is a roll of the dice that may pay off in rewards that can benefit your firm if it can think that far down the road. But when is the right time to do that? Mark Kiker offers some advice.

The Civil Side: Loosening the Ribbon

The Civil Side columnist Christian Barrett has heard from the "ribbon critics" and has another opinion. He'll show you how to customize the ribbon and, yes, you'll learn to love it!
